Dual Subs And Junk Metal
I always need rattling metal sounds, pretty much every project I’ve worked on has had some sort of metal that rattled, be it pipes, a gangway, a giant robot with eye laser or corrugated roofing. A while back before I joined Splash I did a little experiment with a Dynaudio Sub and junk metal which you can check out in this post – Sub Bass Junk Metal Post
It worked great but now I have access to a Genelec sub as well as a Dynaudio, so just for fun i thought i’d do it again with both at the same time! The Dynaudio sub is great but the Genelec is just an awesome little box.
Recorded with two DPA 4060 mini omni mics attached using magnetic clips to the metal sheet either end of the 2 subs, recorded into a Sound Devices 702. I unplugged all the other speakers so the only thing you’re hearing is from the subs and the metal vibrating, these are raw, unprocessed recordings.
Best to turn your speakers UP for this.
Here are the 2 subs playing loud bass sounds causing a large metal sheet to vibrate, the metal is from an old server cabinet about 8 feet long.
Then I tried putting an assortment of spent bullets on it for extra rattle –
Nice, so then (in a different room) I wondered what it would be like to use the subs to rattle the metal sheet and then resonate a large metal cabinet, for this I put the mics inside the filing cabinet –
Mmmmm lovely!